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What is EmpireDEX (Fantom)?

FDEX is the DEX token for EmpireDEX Fantom, a cross chain DEX with additional features for developers.

Full description of EmpireDEX (Fantom)

FDEX is the DEX Token (?) for EmpireDEX Fantom, a cross chain DEX with additional features for developers. FDEX value is backed by the volume of EmpireDEX Fantom, as it is a profit sharing platform that distributes rewards to holders of the locked weaponised liquidity token of FDEX/FTM.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EMPIRE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

EmpireDEX (Fantom) for developers

EmpireDEX (Fantom) social sites

 Source: NOMICS