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What is EVRAZ?

EVRAZ is a global network of digital currency (NDC) and decentralized exchange (DEX).

Full description of EVRAZ

EVRAZ is a global network of digital currency (NDC) and Decentralized (?) Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) (DEX). It is peer-to-peer, fast and secure, with nominative accounts. EVRAZ DNC provides instant payments around the world. EVRAZ DEX is a stock exchange to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at fair prices with Blockchain (?) guarantees. Each trading operation is saved in blockchain. You can trade any amount at anytime from anywhere with low fees. EVRAZ Coin (?) is a Token (?) of EVRAZ project.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EVRAZ
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

EVRAZ for developers

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 Source: NOMICS