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What is Extend Finance?

Extend Finance is a Deflation token with a 4% redistribution tax & 1% Deflation.

Full description of Extend Finance

Extend Finance is a Deflation Token (?) with a 4% redistribution tax & 1% Deflation. Extend Finance was built for the BSC chain with 4% reward & 1% burning emission. Redesigned to maximize profit. Similarly to RFI with 1% fee, Extend Finance works by applying 4% the fee which is 4% to each transaction & instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token & 1% is automatically burn that continuously reduces the total supply of Extend Finance (EXF). Future integration into Casino, Sports Betting and also Poker room. Plus future project integration.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EXF
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS