What is FlokiGainz?

Our token gives you BIG incentive to shed those unwanted pounds, gain muscle and vastly improve your overall health! Join our regular community competitions to win real $BUSD! WEEKLY LOTTERY Hold onto your $GAINZ, don't sell ANY and you'll be eligible to win money in our HUGE lotteries! Token tax 10% will be used as a token tax, of which 6% will be used for marketing and partnerships, and 4% used for the various lotteries we will be running. Marketing & Development Since we aim to push marketing hard, we have applied the majority of the transaction tax into this.

Full description of FlokiGainz

Our Token (?) gives you BIG incentive to shed those unwanted pounds, gain muscle and vastly improve your overall health! Join our regular community competitions to win real $BUSD! WEEKLY LOTTERY Hold onto your $GAINZ, don't sell ANY and you'll be eligible to win money in our HUGE lotteries! Token tax 10% will be used as a token tax, of which 6% will be used for marketing and partnerships, and 4% used for the various lotteries we will be running. Marketing & Development Since we aim to push marketing hard, we have applied the majority of the transaction tax into this. This will ensure the project and the investors benefit from continued price action. Funds will also be used to develop the various use cases of the token. LOTTERY 4% of the transactional tax will be applied for the lotteries we will be running, such as the smaller monthly holder lottery, and the larger fitness challenges.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GAINZ
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

FlokiGainz for developers

FlokiGainz social sites

 Source: NOMICS