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What is Global Coin Research?

Global Coin Research is a social currency (cryptocurrency) for the Global Coin Research community of readers, writers and community members. The end goal for the $GCR token is to create a community whereby writers and contributors in the GCR community are supported directly by the consumers.

Full description of Global Coin Research

Global Coin (?) Research is a social currency (cryptocurrency) for the Global Coin Research community of readers, writers and community members. The end goal for the $GCR Token (?) is to create a community whereby writers and contributors in the GCR community are supported directly by the consumers. The core of the community are these attributes: 1) Curious; 2) Entrepreneurial; 3) Supportive; 4) Inclusive; 5)Integrous; 6)Crypto native and Crypto (?) explorers
  • Exchange symbol (?): GCR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Global Coin Research for developers

Global Coin Research social sites

 Source: NOMICS