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What is GenshinImpact?

Genshin Impact is a new community oriented token available on Uniswap Genshin's goal it to cultivate a loyal following of organic and ambitious members, create distinct and unique art in the form of NFTs, and ultimately launch a Japanese style two dimmensional video game. All the while, the team has artists on hand continually creating entertainment and content for the token's name and it's users.

Full description of GenshinImpact

Genshin Impact is a new community oriented Token (?) available on Uniswap Genshin's goal it to cultivate a loyal following of organic and ambitious members, create distinct and unique art in the form of NFTs, and ultimately launch a Japanese style two dimmensional video game. All the while, the team has artists on hand continually creating entertainment and content for the token's name and it's users.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GENIM
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

GenshinImpact for developers

GenshinImpact social sites

 Source: NOMICS