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What is Get Doge?

Get Doge is a decentralized BEP-20 Token on the Binance Smart Chain designed to provide holders with Static Rewards in Dogecoin every 60 minutes.

Full description of Get Doge

Get Doge is a Decentralized (?) BEP-20 Token (?) on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain designed to provide holders with Static Rewards in Dogecoin every 60 minutes. The token runs on a proprietary method that taxes each transaction on Buys/Sells and returns a 10% Dividend Paid in $DOGE Coin (?) to its holders, which aims to offer scalability, as well as assisting Dogecoin in its growth. GETDOGE relies on the following principles: - 10% Dividend Paid in $DOGE Coin: Up to 10% of every buy/sell is redistributed to the $GETDOGE holders in the form of Dogecoin. Min 1 million tokens required. - Ever Increasing Price Floor: 2% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It's automatic and helps creates an ever increasing price floor (stability). - Buy Backs: GETDOGE uses 4% of transactions for auto-buybacks to maintain price stability. - Ever Increasing Price Floor: 2% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It's automatic and helps creates an ever increasing price floor (stability). - Anti-Bot Measures: Sniping bots are taxed 99% and the proceeds will be distributed as Dogecoin rewards and for the buy backs. GETDOGE is working with the Safe Launch team to combat bots. - Anti-Dumping Protocol: After each buyback, transaction fees for sells are doubled for 30 minutes, descending to the original rate with each minute.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GETDOGE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS