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What is GoldenFloki?

💎 What is GoldenFloki and who’s behind this? 🚀 GoldenFloki is a binance smartchain token with various ways to earn.

Full description of GoldenFloki

💎 What is GoldenFloki and who’s behind this? 🚀 GoldenFloki is a Binance exchange (?) smartchain Token (?) with various ways to earn. Hold hard to earn harder! We are looking to enter into NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) market. GoldenFloki team consists of 3 core members that have been active in the Crypto (?) scene for quite some time and have deep roots in a lot of the current crypto communities. 💎 TOKENOMICS 🚀 3% Marketing 9% Liquidity 3% distributed to GoldenFloki holders
  • Exchange symbol (?): GFLOKI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS