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What is Golden Duck (BEP-20)?

GOLDEN DUCK (GOLDUCK) is a high yield frictionless farming token that runs on Binance Smart Chain.

Full description of Golden Duck (BEP-20)

GOLDEN DUCK (GOLDUCK) is a high yield frictionless farming Token (?) that runs on Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. It automatically offers farming yield into your Wallet (?) without you needing to deposit or transfer your asset in a liquidity pool. GOLDUCK employs 3 simple functions which increases investors’ value: Reflection + LP acquisition + Burn. In each trade, the transaction is taxed at 4% fee, 2% goes to holders and 2% goes to liquidity.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GOLDUCK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Golden Duck (BEP-20) for developers

Golden Duck (BEP-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS