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What is GreenCandles?

A hyper deflationary token on BSC that rewards holders for holding tokens, whilst also incorporating the buyback approach whereby tokens are automatically bought and sent to a burn address by a designated wallet. GreenCandles is proud to announce the first ever buyback security sniper integrated into the contract We strongly believe in the vision of the Eden Reforestation project to greatly reduce deforestation by plating trees to save lives.

Full description of GreenCandles

A hyper deflationary Token (?) on BSC that rewards holders for holding tokens, whilst also incorporating the buyback approach whereby tokens are automatically bought and sent to a burn Address (?) by a designated wallet. GreenCandles is proud to announce the first ever buyback security sniper integrated into the contract We strongly believe in the vision of the Eden Reforestation project to greatly reduce deforestation by plating trees to save lives. TrustSwap aims to plant 1million trees in 2021 and we’re going to help accelerate that plan by allocating a 1% donation tax to the TrustSwap x Eden Reforestation Project.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GREEN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS