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What is GURU?

About 12% of the current global population is living with a disability. MobilityGuru is a crypto-based project that seeks to integrate the entire mobility devices and services market into one simple online trading ecosystem. By leveraging blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, the MobilityGuru Token (GURU) is creating a transparent and secure transactional system.

Full description of GURU

About 12% of the current global population is living with a disability. MobilityGuru is a crypto-based project that seeks to integrate the entire mobility devices and services market into one simple online trading ecosystem. By leveraging Blockchain (?) technology and cryptocurrency, the MobilityGuru Token (?) (GURU) is creating a transparent and secure transactional system. The project marketplace seeks to help the elderly, the general rehabilitation community and the physically challenged by making buying plus selling products easier to find and transact. The GURU is a Cryptocurrency (?) like Bitcoin, Etheram, XRP etc… Our team has created the MobilityGuru Token (GURU - BEP20). The governance of the token ecosystem is carried out by a five-member team that will be elected annually.
  • Exchange symbol (?): GURU
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

GURU for developers

GURU social sites

 Source: NOMICS