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What is Hadouken?

Hadouken is a hyper deflationary token designed to become more scarce over time.

Full description of Hadouken

Hadouken is a hyper deflationary Token (?) designed to become more scarce over time. All holders of Hadouken will earn an 8.5% reward from Buy/Sell Transactions combined in Binance exchange (?) pegged BUSD, which is automatically sent to your wallets that you used to purchase Hadouken. No minimum amount of Hadouken is required to start receiving BUSD rewards. The longer you hold Hadouken the greater your rewards will be. ​ Funded by strategic buyback, 1% of every transaction will be used to buy back tokens and be sent directly to Hadouken's dead Wallet (?) address, this wallet will not receive any BUSD rewards meaning more rewards for our holders. Furthermore 3% of every transaction is transferred into the liquidity pool to create a stable price floor, as we aim to reward the Hadouken community.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HDKN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS