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What is Hybrid Doge V2?

HYBRID DOGE - The Next Generation Doge Token. HYBRID DOGE is a cryptocurrency token on the Binance Smart Chain.

Full description of Hybrid Doge V2

HYBRID DOGE - The Next Generation Doge Token. HYBRID DOGE is a Cryptocurrency (?) Token (?) on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. It has very limited supply of only 10 million. Each trade has “Deflation, Automatic Rewards, Automatic LP and Automatic Burn” function. The Hybrid Solution for making money on Meme Coin. It is intended to create high priced Doge Coin (?) with very low supply. It has a very small fixed supply of 10 Million Tokens, Every trade has a 2% burn function, 5% of each transaction is automatically added to the liquidity pool, 5% of each transaction will be automatically given to the token holder and also has a Quarterly burn system. So Supply will be reduced on every trade and token price will be increased. This token will provide access to Rewards for token holder on every transaction. Simply hold $HYBRID DOGE tokens and get rewarded.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HDOGE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS