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What is HotDollars Token?

HotDollars is not a single block chain project or a commercial application, but the integration of a block chain intelligent contract technology set and product set.

Full description of HotDollars Token

HotDollars is not a single Block (?) chain project or a commercial application, but the integration of a block chain intelligent contract technology set and product set. HotDollars project covers non-centralized IZO intelligent contract fund-raising agreement, embedded non-centralized game open platform, game payment, block chain game product set, wallet. It is a brand-new block chain project business integration. HDS is the only value transfer Token (?) flowing in the HotDollars project set.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HDS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

HotDollars Token for developers

HotDollars Token social sites

 Source: NOMICS