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What is HavEtherToken?

HavEther is a decentralized and fully transparent Charity Donation platform built on Ethereum Smart Contract, through which fundraisings of our token ""HET"" are organized, the majority of which is donated to charities, Homeless, orphanages, hospitals and other needies. • You will Use the HET token as the main currency for transactions, thus allowing increased growth and scalability with instant transfers compared to traditional currency.

Full description of HavEtherToken

HavEther is a Decentralized (?) and fully transparent Charity Donation platform built on Ethereum Smart Contract, through which fundraisings of our Token (?) ""HET"" are organized, the majority of which is donated to charities, Homeless, orphanages, hospitals and other needies. • You will Use the HET token as the main currency for transactions, thus allowing increased growth and scalability with instant transfers compared to traditional currency.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HET
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

HavEtherToken for developers

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 Source: NOMICS