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What is HEX?

HEX is an ERC-20 token that was launched on December 2nd, 2019.

Full description of HEX

HEX is an ERC-20 Token (?) that was launched on December 2nd, 2019. According to the information on the main website, the Cryptocurrency (?) was designed to beat Ethereum and achieved incredible results after launch. The platform uses Certificates of Deposit (CD) to make the system work. As it is claimed on the official website, HEX CDs have nothing in common with bank CDs paying low interest to clients. HEX promises more efficient currencies and payment networks based on safe and secure p2p technology. Behind the cryptocurrency, there stands an advanced game theory, which is improved to remove all imperfections of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency was developed by Richard Heart who got rich in the early 2000s when he worked in the affiliate marketing business and made online promotions. Now Richard is fully involved in the project that grows rapidly basing on “pumpamentals” as he calls it. This is the term for the incredible growth of value over time. HEX platform HEX employs the engine that is capable of doing 2,000 transactions per second. The site asserts that the HEX protocol is safer and better than the one offered by Bitcoin. HEX tokens can be received in two different ways. The users can transform Ethereum into HEX or they can buy HEX on cryptocurrency exchanges. The AdoptionAmplifier (AA) launched by HEX along with referrals continues to attract clients to the project. AA enabled users to obtain HEX directly without intermediaries for 351 days after the launch. The period of AA came to an end in November 2020. Stakers perform the role of miners in the HEX community. The members of the community don’t have to buy Mining (?) hardware and use electricity thus making the platform eco-friendlier than others. The procedure of Staking (?) HEX involves smart contracts that mint the token. The contract is concluded for keeping the HEX Coin (?) staked for a specified period. The staker gets an interest in HEX coin during it, while the assets remain locked until this period comes to the end. The longer the staking period lasts, the more HEX can be received from bonuses and interest. The minimal interest rate for stakers is 3.69% but bonuses provide higher returns. Those who decide to finish the stake ahead of time specified in the agreement, get a penalty for withdrawal of funds. The HEX TruthEngine is a good instrument that gathers all information to predict further behavior of the market. It also rewards members of the ecosystem when they share data on the duration of stake and the amount they are going to stake. HEX had 1 economics review and 2 independent security reviews performed by Chainsecurity.com and CoinFabrik.com that also prove that the cryptocurrency is resistant to the bugs of Bitcoin. Also, it is designed to make editing of the Consensus (?) code impossible. The HEX developers’ community is very vibrant as it has come up with multiple innovative projects around HEX within a short timeframe. HEX also offers security and transparency of trading as being on-chain it can inspect any address. HEX financial details With Hex, the staked tokens are taken off the market. The interest rate is established automatically and can decrease when more investors stake their HEX tokens. Since tokens are removed from the market, this drives up the cost of the HEX coin. This is true on condition of the equal demand before and after the time of staking. The most significant bonuses obtained by stakers take place on Day 353. The range of payments is huge and varies from 3.69% to 369% depending upon the amount of the HEX stake. However, when users are unable to complete the staking period, hefty fines are imposed upon them. HEX is listed on 30 exchanges at the moment of writing including HitBTC, Yobit, and others. Richard Heart prefers to keep HEX on Coinomi mobile Wallet (?) and Electrum. You can also select Ledger and KeepKey from the list of most reputable wallets. Installation of MetaMask is recommended for members of the ecosystem who use Chrome or Firefox which lets them run Ethereum dApps (Decentralized Application) (?) without launching a full Ethereum node. HEX doesn’t have ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) as it has been distributed via an airdrop. The value of the coin inflates as people claim HEX tokens. The launch phase completed on November 19th, 2020, when people received their large payments. HEX promises a 10% bonus minted to the referee. Besides, the bonus is also promised to their referrer who can obtain a 20% bonus minted. You can refer new users to the AdoptionAmplifier transform system turning ETH into HEX. There is only one tier in its referral program. There is much controversy around the HEX token that is often called a scam using the Ponzi scheme by many experts. But many people disagree with it. The matter is that coins were airdropped to Bitcoin holders without charge. HEX founder The founder of the HEX coin is Richard Heart who strongly supports Bitcoin and frequently comments issues in cryptocurrency trading. Richard is often seen at cryptocurrency conferences where he makes presentations. There are also many videos and live streams with Richard Heart on YouTube. Being also an operator of several Telegram channels including the one for HEX, he has a very active community and many supporters. Richard Heart also founded several internet companies specializing in internet marketing including such spheres as search engine optimization, mass mailings, etc. The largest one with a turnover of about 60 million USD had 150 employees. It should also be added that Richard is a controversial personality known for harsh commentaries made in a sarcastic manner. He starts arguments and disputes with commentators and experts. At this, frequently the obscene language is used.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HEX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

HEX for developers

HEX social sites

 Source: NOMICS