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What is SolarHexx?

SolarHexx is a climate-focused company focused on providing simple, clean energy solutions. SolarHexx (HEXX) Token provides the following benefits to our holders: 1) A 0.1% minimum dividend per SolarHexx Module sold (distributed via tokens). 2) Locked liquidity for investor security. 3) A float owned in majority by the public (88%). 4) Fixed token supply with limited total (10b).

Full description of SolarHexx

SolarHexx is a climate-focused company focused on providing simple, clean energy solutions. SolarHexx (HEXX) Token (?) provides the following benefits to our holders: 1) A 0.1% minimum dividend per SolarHexx Module sold (distributed via tokens). 2) Locked liquidity for investor security. 3) A float owned in majority by the public (88%). 4) Fixed token supply with limited total (10b).
  • Exchange symbol (?): HEXX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS