Honeypad is a hyper-deflationary use-case token, which has cutting-edge features and a unique use case and functions as an umbrella brand for different use cases.

Full description of HONEYPAD

Honeypad is a hyper-deflationary use-case token, which has cutting-edge features and a unique use case and functions as an umbrella brand for different use cases. HoneyPad rewards Token (?) holders with auto-BNB payments gained through transaction taxes while also preventing huge sell offs with their first of a kind Honeylock feature. Honeypad aims to make the Cryptocurrency (?) market – especially the Decentralized (?) finance and freelance market – faster and secure for its users.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HONEY
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

HONEYPAD for developers

HONEYPAD social sites

 Source: NOMICS