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What is Howlx?

HOWLX TOKEN is a community driven game project that rewards holders in BNB and aims to develop 2 top selling games.

Full description of Howlx

HOWLX Token (?) is a community driven game project that rewards holders in BNB and aims to develop 2 top selling games. These games are unique in the sense that all characters are custom made from scratch and their story lines are captivating. Some of the characters were created to represent meme tokens such as Shiba inu, Doge etc. The games will consist of an array of NFTs such as changeable costumes, masks and inventory. A game preview is already available and has received great feedbacks from the community.
  • Exchange symbol (?): HWXT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Howlx for developers

Howlx social sites

 Source: NOMICS