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What is InfinityMoney?

Infinity Money is a token made from a unique and innovative idea.

Full description of InfinityMoney

Infinity Money is a Token (?) made from a unique and innovative idea. With the objective of providing its holders with the redistribution of tokens from purchase and sale transaction fees, as well as other forms of investments, to be distributed proportionally to holders in stablecoin BUSD (stable currency of the smart chain network). Infinity Money holders have a weekly bonus that is paid every Friday at 6:00 pm (GMT-3) for anyone with more than 20k tokens. The serenity and transparency of the team makes their friends and family reflect positively on the growth of HOLDERS every day.
  • Exchange symbol (?): IFMv3
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

InfinityMoney for developers

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 Source: NOMICS