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What is Invisible Inu?

Invisible Inu mission We want to be one of the most popular meme tokens in the De-Fi world.

Full description of Invisible Inu

Invisible Inu mission We want to be one of the most popular meme tokens in the De-Fi world. Many Inus are lousy dogs who do not provide long-term value to their owners. We want to change that by providing consumers a meme Token (?) that drives utility growth, with our first priority being faster staking/farming partnerships so you can get your dog to work for you. Tokenomics 1,000,000,000 total supply 4% lp 4% mkt 2% team 2%max wallet 1% max sell
  • Exchange symbol (?): INVISINU
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Invisible Inu for developers

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 Source: NOMICS