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What is Investin (Solana)?

IVN is the native token of the Investin protocol. Investin is the first Decentralized Fund Management protocol live on Solana that transforms aspiring traders into Fund Managers by providing them a trustless and non-custodial platform as a service for active management of capital.

Full description of Investin (Solana)

IVN is the native Token (?) of the Investin protocol. Investin is the first Decentralized (?) Fund Management protocol live on Solana that transforms aspiring traders into Fund Managers by providing them a trustless and non-custodial platform as a service for active management of capital. This enables investors to earn passive returns on the capital invested in the funds whilst retaining the custody of their assets all along. IVN allows its holders to capture value from the protocol, unlock pro features and participate in governance. IVN token represents ownership of the protocol and is designed to incentivize traders to run their funds and attract investments.
  • Exchange symbol (?): IVN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Investin (Solana) for developers

Investin (Solana) social sites

 Source: NOMICS