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What is JNTR/e?

NTR/e is a wholly decentralized bridge token created to provide liquidity and increased access to the Jointer syndication ecosystem and the primary JNTR token.

Full description of JNTR/e

NTR/e is a wholly Decentralized (?) bridge Token (?) created to provide liquidity and increased access to the Jointer syndication ecosystem and the primary JNTR token. Due to JNTR/e being decentralized, it has the ability to list on decentralized exchanges and participate in decentralized finance pools and swaps like Uniswap. Jointer minted a total of 1,000,000 JNTR/e on the Ethereum blockchain, with 0% accessible to the team, founders, and investors. Jointer will burn 100% of the relay token (the LP share that controls the pool) which will alimt Jointer to ever access that pool or change it. Jointer will distribute more than 63% of the total JNTR/e minted or 630 JNTR/e to the top holders of Uniswap.
  • Exchange symbol (?): JNTR/E
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS