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What is Rowket?

Rowket Market Is A Decentralized Community-Driven NFTs Marketplace Centered Around The Distribution Of Fan Art In The Form Of NFTs $KET is the native currency of our marketplace where users will be able to mint, buy/sell NFTs.

Full description of Rowket

Rowket Market Is A Decentralized (?) Community-Driven NFTs Marketplace Centered Around The Distribution Of Fan Art In The Form Of NFTs $KET is the native currency of our marketplace where users will be able to mint, buy/sell NFTs. $KET is also a deflationary instant yield Token (?) with an adjustable tax rate of 3% on transactions which will give a 1% frictionless yield to hodlers and burns the other 2% for an ever-increasing price floor.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KET
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS