KING FOREVER is adeflationary token designed to become scarce over time.

Full description of KING FOREVER

KING FOREVER is adeflationary Token (?) designed to become scarce over time. All KING FOREVER holders will earn more tokens which are automatically sent to your Wallet (?) by simply holding KING FOREVER in your wallet. Watch the amount of KING FOREVER grow in your wallet as KING FOREVER token holders automatically receive a 3% fee from every transaction that occurs on the KING FOREVER network. The community receives over KING FOREVER tokens from the fees generated with each transaction. The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace and a brand new game will be ready soon so joining our community before this happens ensure you a solid entry.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KFR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

KING FOREVER for developers

KING FOREVER social sites

 Source: NOMICS