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What is King Floki V1 (OLD)?

King Floki is a newly built token on the Binance Smart Chain, which has reflections for holders, a weekly lottery system & a huge marketing budget to provide mass growth from the moment they launched on 20/11/2021 by a team based primarily in the UK.

Full description of King Floki V1 (OLD)

King Floki is a newly built Token (?) on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain, which has reflections for holders, a weekly lottery system & a huge marketing budget to provide mass growth from the moment they launched on 20/11/2021 by a team based primarily in the UK. $KING long term is going to be creating debit cards which holders can use and pay for items for by holding $KING tokens. Along with this the weekly lottery system will continue to run, rewarding holders with amazing prizes such as watches, holidays and huge cash prizes. King Floki also plans to release an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) trading platform which beats the fees and has a much better layout than other platforms out there, within 2 hours of launch on the 20th November 2021 they reached over 1 million volume and had already 5x'd in value. Out of every buy transaction 2% will automatically be redistributed among $KING holders, on a sell transaction this will turn into 3%. This rewards holders for their faith and patience with the token // 3% of each buy, and 4% of each sell transaction is automatically sent to the lottery Wallet (?) this feature allows for weekly giveaways to holders of the token. For every 0.25 BNB of $KING a person holds they will receive one entry into the weekly lottery for a range of prizes such as holidays, luxury watches and even cars // 3% of each buy & 4% of each sell transaction is automatically added back into the liquidity pool. This is essential for any tradeable asset especially Crypto (?) tokens // 3% of each buy & 4% of each sell transaction will be automatically sent in BNB (to not dump the price further) to a wallet which is going to be used strictly for further marketing of the coin.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KING
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

King Floki V1 (OLD) for developers

King Floki V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS