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What is Kitty Ninja?

Kitty Ninja is a cryptocurrency that merges the worlds of crypto and art.

Full description of Kitty Ninja

Kitty Ninja is a Cryptocurrency (?) that merges the worlds of Crypto (?) and art. Created by a dedicated team of developers and crypto enthusiasts, our mission is to produce a Kitty Ninja ecosystem with utility and NFTs. We plan to develop a custom NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) Wallet (?) & trading platform, LitterBox, as well as, our own native Token (?) $KINJA and Staking (?) platform, KittySwap. Kitty Ninja token acts as a simple, base governance token for future utilities. $KINJA is one of the first tokens issued by the instant cryptocurrency Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) platform, KittySwap. $KINJA serves an internal currency for the $KINJA Loyalty Program. $KINJA holders can get such benefits unique branded items for crypto fans, participation in contests & other promo activities, and more features to come. Total supply is 10 million. This will help with regulating the circulating supply and thereby stabilize the price. There is a marketing tax of 9% which is used towards promotions, expedited listings, buybacks, and team development. This aspect is important to the growth of the project. All sells tax will go to the treasury for project development. The initial liquidity is 7.5 ETH. Liquidity will be locked for 3 months and extended when milestones are completed.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KINJA
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Kitty Ninja for developers

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 Source: NOMICS