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What is KogeCoin?

KogeCoin’s goal is to become a store of value for the Polygon community.

Full description of KogeCoin

KogeCoin’s goal is to become a store of value for the Polygon community. It is a deflationary Token (?) that launched via airdrop to all early QuickSwap users who had around 4 weeks to claim. Too often, “fair launched” tokens get sniped by bots who then dump on the rest of us. KogeCoin avoided this problem and built up a strong community of dedicated HODLers. If you missed out on our genesis airdrop, don’t fret! About 90% of the tokens allocated for the airdrop were unclaimed and will be distributed to holders of KogeCoin via Staking (?) at KogeFarm.io/farms, with rewards starting after June 10. If you buy some KogeCoins now, you can get more through staking. The devs are fully committed to KogeCoin and the Polygon/Matic DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) space. Holders of KogeCoin will benefit from the fees generated at KogeFarm.io, an auto-compounding utility we built for defi users. We view KogeCoin as a token that allows us to grow with the community, and expect to both grow KogeFarm and build other utilities for holders in the future.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KOGECOIN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

KogeCoin for developers

KogeCoin social sites

 Source: NOMICS