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What is King Of The Doge?

King Of The Doge is a token built on BSC with gamified tokenomics.

Full description of King Of The Doge

King Of The Doge is a Token (?) built on BSC with gamified tokenomics. dApps (Decentralized Application) (?) such as a ""Leaderboard"" built for holders to track tokens they are making as the ""King Of The Doge"" from transactions. $KOTDoge is part of an ecosystem the team is building that will tie in a game that is in the works and possibly completed by Q4 2021. $KOTDOGE is the flagship token which might be used for the cosmetics function of character building in the upcoming NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) game. The competitive gamified tokenomics is a fresh idea that we believe will drive innovation in the crypto-space instead of senseless unthought buying and selling. The King Of The Doge is the top buyer within a 4 hour interval. If you are the King, you get 3% of every transaction until someone takes over your crown!
  • Exchange symbol (?): KOTDOGE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS