What is Layer2DAO?

Layer2DAO is expanding the Ethereum L2 ecosystem and investing in L2 ecosystem projects.

Full description of Layer2DAO

Layer2DAO is expanding the Ethereum L2 ecosystem and investing in L2 ecosystem projects. The DAO will use its treasury to invest into high-impact L2 protocols and ecosystem plays, serving as a diversified venture fund for investors looking to gain exposure to the L2 ecosystem growth. It may also provide liquidity, depositing, and Staking (?) in the future, perpetually reinvesting proceeds back into the DAO. Layer2DAO will also provide incentives for users to move their funds to L2s and use protocols on those L2s, modeled after other protocols’ successful incentive programs. We plan on particularly supporting projects that have not launched their own Token (?) to drive adoption. Layer2DAO is governed by L2DAO token holders. Through the proposal and voting process L2DAO token holders will determine the actions and direction of Layer2DAO.
  • Exchange symbol (?): L2DAO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Layer2DAO for developers

Layer2DAO social sites

 Source: NOMICS