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What is Low Orbit Crypto Cannon?

Low Orbit Crypto Cannon (LOCC) is a deflationary defi token built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Full description of Low Orbit Crypto Cannon

Low Orbit Crypto (?) Cannon (LOCC) is a deflationary DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) Token (?) built on the Ethereum blockchain. Every ‘x’ number of ETH blocks a propulsion occurs! By stalking the minimum amount of LOCC tokens a eth Wallet (?) is eligible to enter the upcoming draws also known as “propulsions”. Fees are generated from each trade at 5% propulsion contract fee and 5% burn. As a deflationary token, 500 tokens will be burned from the total supply leaving 500 when the burning is complete. A staker, or astronaut as they call them on their website, is chosen at random and receives all of the collected fees that accumulated within the previous ‘x’ number of blocks. The number of blocks is chosen by the community.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LOCC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS