What is Line quality chain?

Vehicle chain is a token designed with automobile, emotion, eternity and loyalty.

Full description of Line quality chain

Vehicle chain is a Token (?) designed with automobile, emotion, eternity and loyalty. Vehicle chain gathers the first-line technology of the industry of Block (?) chain. The technicians, as well as the experts in the automotive industry, have integrated the block chain technology through comprehensive and in-depth market analysis. The transaction scenario, circulation scenario and service scenario in the automotive industry make use of the block chain Distributed Accounting ontology system. Trust mechanism, intelligent contract, Consensus (?) mechanism, build trust system of automobile industry based on block chain technology. It is the first commercial block chain to be applied in the global automotive industry. Block chain technology establishes a trust system based on technology rather than on agreed rules. Intelligent contract, Distributed database and other technical characteristics constitute a "de-centralized" feature to make the automotive service industry more transparent and authoritative And fairness. On the platform of automobile chain, automobile main engine factory, 4S shop, secondary dealer, automobile market, automobile Automobile Finance Company, Automobile Logistics Company, Small Credit Company, Automobile Internet, Finance Leasing Company, Insurance Company As well as banks can be stationed on the platform to jointly form a sound automotive service system to provide users with excellence.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LQC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Line quality chain for developers

  • Block explorer (?):
  • gitHub:

Line quality chain social sites

 Source: NOMICS