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What is LunaFox?

LunaFox Token, a project created on the Ethereum network, is an ERC-20 deflationary token created to giveback a portion of profits made from the project to help others in need.

Full description of LunaFox

LunaFox Token, a project created on the Ethereum network, is an ERC-20 deflationary Token (?) created to giveback a portion of profits made from the project to help others in need. Our goal is to support a number of charities decided by our investors. We aim to create a phenomenon by connecting the Crypto (?) space with a number of charities organizations and changing lives of both of our investors and those in need.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LUFX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

LunaFox for developers

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 Source: NOMICS