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What is Lunr?

Lunr is a utility token rewarded to LunarCrush users for the work they put into LunarCrush.

Full description of Lunr

Lunr is a utility Token (?) rewarded to LunarCrush users for the work they put into LunarCrush. LunarCrush provides social insights for cryptocurrencies and access to this data is absolutely free. Instead of having users pay for a subscription, exposing them to terrible ads, or selling data, we've designed a number of activities on the platform will be incentivized. Users will earn points for every milestone on the app. These points can be converted to Lunr tokens upon reaching certain thresholds.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LUNR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Lunr for developers

Lunr social sites

 Source: NOMICS