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What is Make A Difference Token V1 (OLD)?

Cryptocurrency is the most transparent way to donate to charity.

Full description of Make A Difference Token V1 (OLD)

Cryptocurrency is the most transparent way to donate to charity. Make A Difference Token (?) is the pioneer that will elevate Cryptocurrency (?) to being the standard for charitable giving. Beyond simple donations, through the smart contract technology utilized by MAD Token, it is possible to create passive and useful income for those people and organizations that are most in need. By building upon these nascent technologies, MAD Token aims to change the way the world thinks about money. We believe that every human being deserves food, clothing, and shelter, and we believe that through the use of cryptocurrency we will be able to deliver these necessities to every person that is in need.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MAD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Make A Difference Token V1 (OLD) for developers

Make A Difference Token V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS