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What is Egyptian MAU?

Memecoins are currently seeing a real revival and also long-term potential in the cryptosphere, Dogecoin paving the way.

Full description of Egyptian MAU

Memecoins are currently seeing a real revival and also long-term potential in the cryptosphere, Dogecoin paving the way. Egyptian MAU, in essence, is a charity Token (?) that aims to use the power of Crypto (?) and the Blockchain (?) to help people make a change in the world. The project was developed to use the influence of memes to bring about this change. We believe the future of finance, economy and politics is decentralization and true democracy. To take away the centralized power of the so-called elites and give it back to the people. WE ARE STARTING WITH CATS RESCUED CATS NFT’S One of the most exciting projects we have in the roadmap is the Rescued Cats NFT’s. We will rescue cats all over the world and turn them into beautiful NFT’s people can own on the blockchain — Complete with each rescued cat’s name, appearance and their story of where they came from and how they were rescued. The cats are coming. Mau Token aims to be a decentralized, community driven Cryptocurrency (?) with a purpose to help cat shelters and charities all over the world. Community driven cryptocurrency also means that we will have a vote Staking (?) system, where people can stake their MAU Tokens to take part in polls to choose the direction of our first charity project. Egyptian MAU NFT’s Our largest project in the works is our NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace. We will allow users to create and buy/auction their own NFTs and plan to allow users to donate a % to helping save cats.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MAU
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Egyptian MAU for developers

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 Source: NOMICS