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What is Maximum Farm?

Maximum Farm is a new DeFi project on Fantom Network featuring a deflationary token model with a maximum supply of 50,000 Max Tokens. After reviewing several yield farming models we decided on a low emission rate, low supply, layered farming approach to our platform. This model will help end users earn maximum yields over a long period of time. Our goal is to provide our investors a safe and transparent environment so that they can use our platform with zero worry.

Full description of Maximum Farm

Maximum Farm is a new DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) project on Fantom Network featuring a deflationary Token (?) model with a maximum supply of 50,000 Max Tokens. After reviewing several yield farming models we decided on a low emission rate, low supply, layered farming approach to our platform. This model will help end users earn maximum yields over a long period of time. Our goal is to provide our investors a safe and transparent environment so that they can use our platform with zero worry. And to provide a secure platform will get our audit done by Paladin and our RugDoc KYC will show our transparent nature. Some of the highlighted features will be (USP's) :- Paladin Audit RugDoc KYC RugDoC Low Risk RugDoc Liquidity Lock JagoSafer Review JagoSafer KYC JagoSafer Low Risk Buyback & Burn Timelock Low Emission
  • Exchange symbol (?): MAX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS