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What is MegaBitcoin?

MegaBitcoin, is a wonderful automatic reward system that automatically gives token holders 11% $BTCB (Binance Bitcoin) from the buy and sell transactions (5.5%+5.5%).

Full description of MegaBitcoin

MegaBitcoin, is a wonderful automatic reward system that automatically gives Token (?) holders 11% $BTCB (Binance Bitcoin) from the buy and sell transactions (5.5%+5.5%). Also we will establish green Bitcoin-mining warehouses that gives you additionally passive rewards in $BTCB to maximize your profits. The best passive income token on crypto! # 11% $BTCB Rewards # 50% Bitcoin-mining Rewards (future) # AUDITED & KYC Confirmed ✔️ # Crypto (?) Cards & Personal Loans 💸 # Best passive income Tokenomics
  • Exchange symbol (?): MBC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS