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What is Mars DogeCoin?

Mars DogeCoin is a token with passive income and utility.

Full description of Mars DogeCoin

Mars DogeCoin is a Token (?) with passive income and utility. Rewards will make up for quick profits. NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) Platform Launch will increase the opportunities to add up the rewards. Holders will buy NFTs using Mars DogeCoin tokens. Multiple raffles will make holders win prizes in the form of USDT and Mars Dogecoin reflections. Tokens collected from NFT sales will be distributed in 3 categories equally. 1. It will be distributed to winners in the form of USDT. 2. Reflections in the form of Mars Dogecoin tokens. 3. Remaining tokens will be burnt to stabilize price. After taking care of the quick bucks Mars DogeCoin has implemented all the necessary measures to make sure the price stays stable. Buyback and Auto Liquidity will keep price floor stable and ever-rising. Maximum sell limit will take care of whales dumping. Anti-Bot measures will be in place to avoid bots buying at launch and dumping later. Professional Marketing teams are hired to do what they do best. We will make it big and we will make it profitable for everyone together.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MDC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Mars DogeCoin for developers

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 Source: NOMICS