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What is MetisDoge?

We are the first token to launch on Metis (Andromeda chain).

Full description of MetisDoge

We are the first Token (?) to launch on Metis (Andromeda chain). We have gained a very valuable partnership before launch with Standard Protocol, who are official partners of Metis themselves and have actually launched via Whitelist! (No contract needed - MetisDoge can just be selected from the menu) Our partner (Standard Protocol) has endorsed us and provided farming with amazing APY. We are currently sitting on 70 holders and 100 TG group members, being the first mover on the chain - this is impressive! Please see below further information. Who is the DEV? - Myself, I am a junior dev, capable enough to launch a token, verify the contract and make sure I tailor it to how I want in terms of Tokenomics. (Self taught) Marketing Plans? - Following a succesful launch on Metis, we are the first and only token available to buy on our partners Dex - Standard Protocol. We have had some marketing prior to launch through our partners social media. Check here: Our partners are endorsed by Metis themselves and the CMO of Metis is in our group - watching us make history on Metis. We have 3 articles ready to be deployed on Medium, Reddit and 4chain. Further marketing will include twitter influencer marketing, shoutouts, YouTube videos (Hopefully) and shilling. Ultimately, by being an official partner of Standard Protocol (Main Dex here on Metis) this will help Shill (?) / market itself, especially once bridges come through and integrated with the chain. Games, P2E and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) are not off the table and this will be looked into heavily. What will I do with 19% of the supply? 10% of the supply has been sent to our Partners (Standard Protocol) for safe keeping. 9.5% of the supply is kept for Farming with SP - huge APY at the moment, Partnerships (future partnerships / farming), Gesture of good will allocations for a thank you and some members who have helped develop the token to where it is today. Majority of the allocation will be put towards developments (such as NFT etc) and getting the token out there. Is this safe? Legit? Can I shill it? I have made sure this is as safe as possible, not to mention that we have an official partnership in place and launched via WhiteList on a Dex! Which in my opinion, is pretty impressive for a meme token that hasn't launched yet. Code is Verified ✅ (Check link proof via pinned) Liquidity is 100% ✅ (Check link proof via pinned) 10% of Tokens sent to Standard Protocol for Vesting / Lock ✅ (Check link proof via pinned) Articles - Medium, Reddit and 4Chain will be live shortly along with website updates! Website: Twitter:
  • Exchange symbol (?): MDOGE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

MetisDoge for developers

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 Source: NOMICS