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What is Media Network?

Media Network is a new protocol that bypasses traditional CDN providers’ centralized approach for a self-governed and open source solution where everyone can participate.

Full description of Media Network

Media Network is a new protocol that bypasses traditional CDN providers’ centralized approach for a self-governed and open source solution where everyone can participate. Media Network creates a distributed bandwidth market that enables service providers such as media platforms to hire resources from the network and dynamically come and go as the demand for last-mile data delivery shifts. It allows anyone to organically serve content without introducing any trust assumptions or pre-authentication requirements. Participants earn MEDIA rewards for their bandwidth contributions, a fixed supply SPL Token (?) minted on Solana’s Blockchain.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MEDIA
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Media Network for developers

Media Network social sites

 Source: NOMICS