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What is MEO GAS?

MEO (The Maximum Earning Open System) is an innovative fair forecasting APP that uses blockchain technology to focus on the multi-trillion dollar lottery market worldwide and built the most aquitable blockchain lottery betting platform through the characteristics of blockchain.

Full description of MEO GAS

MEO (The Maximum Earning Open System) is an innovative fair forecasting APP that uses Blockchain (?) technology to focus on the multi-trillion dollar lottery market worldwide and built the most aquitable blockchain lottery betting platform through the characteristics of blockchain. MEO is the only betting chip on the platform, and the total supply is 10 million, which will never be added. MEO implements a dual Token (?) model, and MEO will generate MEO GAS (MEG for short) as the fuel for MEO ecosystem, with a total supply of 10 million. MEG is distributed to MEO users at a ratio of 1:0.01 per year and on a monthly basis.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MEG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

MEO GAS for developers

  • Block explorer (?):
  • gitHub:

MEO GAS social sites

 Source: NOMICS