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What is Meliodas?

Meliodas is a DeFi project on the Ethereum Blockchain that launched October 11, 2021 at the beginning of the anime season by a team located in Fort Myers, FL USA. What makes Meliodas stand apart from the meme tokens is the community behind it.

Full description of Meliodas

Meliodas is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) project on the Ethereum Blockchain (?) that launched October 11, 2021 at the beginning of the anime season by a team located in Fort Myers, FL USA. What makes Meliodas stand apart from the meme tokens is the community behind it. Weekly “tavern” meetings are held at The Boar Hat, the tavern Meliodas owns, at Every Thursday, the Trivia Wallet (?) is divvied up to the winners of the 7 Deadly Sins trivia questions and has become quite the event. Every successful Token (?) project, no matter how strong the community is, needs a utility attached to it. In a matter of days, pool farming, and single Staking (?) was born, boasting a 20,000,000% APY and 300% APY respectively. The rewards given in Meliodas are subject to change as new holders board the staking platform.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MELIODAS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Meliodas for developers

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 Source: NOMICS