Mermaid Swap (BEP-20) logo

What is Mermaid Swap (BEP-20)?

Mermaid Swap is a Multi-Network Yield Farm in the Decentralized Exchange! We have presence in BSC, Avalanche and IoTeX networks.

Full description of Mermaid Swap (BEP-20)

Mermaid Swap is a Multi-Network Yield Farm in the Decentralized (?) Exchange! We have presence in BSC, Avalanche and IoTeX networks. NFTs, Vaults, Token (?) Bridge and much more across Polygon and Fantom is yet to be launched and in the pipeline Yield Farming Platform with deflationary tokenomics, limited token supply, automatic emission reduction, smart token burns and hodl (misspelling of "hold") (?) rewards in USDT dividends
  • Exchange symbol (?): MERD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Mermaid Swap (BEP-20) for developers

Mermaid Swap (BEP-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS