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What is Metaversepad?

MetaversePad is a token that allows you to buy the Metaverseworld token that we have been working on for over 1 year.

Full description of Metaversepad

MetaversePad is a Token (?) that allows you to buy the Metaverseworld token that we have been working on for over 1 year. If this technology is sufficiently developed, people will have the opportunity to do many activities such as shopping, going to the movies, spending time in the cafe, without any physical effort, thanks to the virtual reality devices they have acquired. In fact, in 2020, the famous rap artist Travis Scott organized a virtual concert in the metaverse environment within the Fortnite platform. We wanted to create our own world as a team. and together with you, our valuable investors, we can develop the world we want together. It's up to you to take the first step into this fictional world, which has no limit to what you can do, by taking metaversepad.
  • Exchange symbol (?): META
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Metaversepad for developers

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 Source: NOMICS