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What is Metaverse Exchange?

A technology park Metaverse for cryptocurrency projects which need audit, development, design, legal, marketing and listing services.

Full description of Metaverse Exchange

A technology park Metaverse for Cryptocurrency (?) projects which need audit, development, design, legal, marketing and listing services. The MetaCex Token (?) is used in land transactions and ownership of land is the only way to get access to the technology park services. The Metaverse Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) team has real world experience with industrial technology parks in China and have expansive knowledge on how they are important to startup companies. MetaCex uses this same strategy to to help small to medium sized cryptocurrency projects grow.
  • Exchange symbol (?): METACEX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Metaverse Exchange for developers

Metaverse Exchange social sites

 Source: NOMICS