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What is Meta Knight?

MetaKnight is a newly launching token on the BSC.

Full description of Meta Knight

MetaKnight is a newly launching Token (?) on the BSC. The aim of the token is NFTs, metaverse gameplay and rewards. MetaKnight has a low buy and sell tax of 6% with 3% going to BUSD rewards to holders and 3% going to marketing and development. All funds raised for marketing will be sent to influencers, call groups and the best investors in the BSC. Development funds will go to further the NFTs and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) Staking (?) card game development. MetaKnight plans to launch a passive income generating card staking game. This will give our early adopters an amazing holding position, creating income simply by purchasing a MetaKnight NFT. The gameplay is coming Q2 of 2022. Our token went through a presale on pinksale: Our liquidity is locked for 7 months: We have been audited by Techrate at:
  • Exchange symbol (?): METAKNIGHT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Meta Knight for developers

Meta Knight social sites

 Source: NOMICS