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What is Metti Inu?

Metti Inu is a 100% decentralized community experiment art meme token on Fantom to spread the love of Pumpametti art.

Full description of Metti Inu

Metti Inu is a 100% Decentralized (?) community experiment art meme Token (?) on Fantom to spread the love of Pumpametti art. 50% the Metti Inu supply has been sent to 0xdead and the other half were locked to a Uniswap pool and the LP keys burned. Total supply of Metti Inu is 1 Quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) So Metti, Much Exquisite!
  • Exchange symbol (?): METTI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Metti Inu for developers

Metti Inu social sites

 Source: NOMICS