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What is MoonKat Finance?

Moonkat is a next generation defi built on Binance Smart chain to reward token holders in $BNB while increasing in both liquidity and value, it does this by applying a 6% tax per transaction : 2% to liquidity and 4% converted to $BNB to reward holders.

Full description of MoonKat Finance

Moonkat is a next generation DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) built on Binance exchange (?) Smart chain to reward Token (?) holders in $BNB while increasing in both liquidity and value, it does this by applying a 6% tax per transaction : 2% to liquidity and 4% converted to $BNB to reward holders.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MKAT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS