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What is MoonGames?

MoonGames is the next evolution of a yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB instead of tokens.

Full description of MoonGames

MoonGames is the next evolution of a yield-generating contract on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BNB instead of tokens. The Token (?) contract employs a static reward system—20% of every transaction is split in three: • 12% BNB is redistributed to holders • 3% is used to fuel the liquidity pool Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) growth • 5% is allocated to the marketing/development fund
  • Exchange symbol (?): MNG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

MoonGames for developers

MoonGames social sites

 Source: NOMICS